Omni Channel Contact Center

Connect with Customers with Full Omni Channel Contact Center Support

LAM Technology’s Omni Channel Contact Center provides a cohesive support that integrates voice, email, chat, and social media, ensuring that your customers receive consistent and efficient service no matter how they choose to connect. With our Contract Clarifier™ service, we ensure that your contact center solutions are aligned with your service contracts, avoiding any lapses in service. Our solutions are designed to improve customer satisfaction, increase agent productivity, and enhance your overall customer service strategy.

Businesses with well-defined omni-channel customer experience strategies achieve a 91% higher year-over-year increase in customer retention rate on average compared to organizations without. (Aberdeen Group)

89% of customers get frustrated because they need to repeat their issues to multiple representatives. Omni-channel support solves this by providing a seamless transition between channels. (Accenture)

Companies with strong omni-channel customer engagement see a 9.5% year-over-year increase in annual revenue. (Aberdeen Group)

LAM Technology Services for Customer Experience & Digital Engagement

Personalized Self-Service & Containment
Speech & Sentiment Analytics
UCaaS/Teams Voice & Collaboration
WFH, WFO, Gamification
Verified & Branded Caller ID
Omni-Channel Contact Center

When Disasters Strike: The Complete Guide to Disaster Recovery

Many businesses think they are equipped to handle a cyber attack but what happens when it happens to your business. What’s the impact to your customer, to your reputation, to your bottom line. Here’s what you can do to not be caught unprepared.

- Time to REACH OUT -

You may be surprised by what we can handle.