Pen Tests & Vulnerability Scanning

Strengthen Your Cyber Defenses with Pen Tests & Vulnerability Scanning

LAM Technology offers comprehensive Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Scanning services to identify weaknesses in your network before they can be exploited by attackers. Our proactive approach helps you understand your security posture and take corrective action. With our RFP Vendor Validation™, we ensure that the vendors providing these services meet your specific security requirements. Our Billing Breakthrough™ service analyzes your expenses to ensure you’re getting the best value for your investment in security testing, while our Dedicated Delivery™ oversees the implementation of security measures for a seamless integration into your cybersecurity strategy.

70% of organizations say that vulnerability scanning has led to the discovery of a critical vulnerability. (Source: Tenable) 

Regular pen testing can reduce the cost of a data breach by up to 35%. (Source: IBM) 

84% of cyber attacks target application vulnerabilities, making pen tests and vulnerability scans essential. (Source: Veracode) 

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